Invited Conference Oral Presentations
- The 3rd Statistics Salary Seminar (National Cheng Kung University). The Distance Between Numerology And Statistics. (2024.03.23)
- Economics and Statistics Interdisciplinary Workshop. Causal Analysis – Speaker in the Field of Statistics (2022.08.30)
- The 31st Southern District Statistical Seminar and 2022 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar. Causal Inference Session speaker: From Linear Structural Equation Modeling to Generalized Multiple Mediation Formula (2022.07.28)
- 2021 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting (Speaker) (2022.01.18)
- 2021 Taiwanese Association of Statistical Methodology(keynote speaker): From linear structural equation modeling to generalized multiple mediation formula (2021.12.4)
- The 11th Chinese Traditional Art and Numerical Culture Symposium (New Taipei, Taiwan) (2022)
- IASC-ARS invited session (IS17: Innovation methodology development of causal mediation analysis for biomedical data) (2022.2.24)
- The 10th Chinese Traditional Art and Numerical Culture Symposium (New Taipei, Taiwan) (2021)
- The 30th Southern District Statistical Seminar and 2021 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar. Causal Inference Session Host (2021)
- Academia Sinica Human Resources and Social Security Center Historical Population Project Team Causal Mediation Workshop. (2020.12)
- 2020 Joint Public Health Conference (Taipei, Taiwan): Multiple intermediary analysis and decision-making analysis based on long-term follow-up data-Taking chronic obstructive pulmonary disease generation data and emphysema patients’ lung volume reduction surgery clinical trial data as examples. Special event organizer (2020.10.17)
- The 9th Chinese Traditional Art and Numerical Culture Symposium (New Taipei, Taiwan): Conflict, Reconciliation and Symbiosis between Numerology and Science–Finding a Solution from the “Religious Dialogue” (2020.09.26)
- The 29th Southern District Statistical Seminar and 2020 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar. Causal Inference Session Host and Speaker (Chiayi, Taiwan): Integrated multiple mediation analysis: A robustness-specificity trade-off for the causal structure (2020.08.20)
- 4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2020, Seoul, South Korea). 2020.07.20-22 (Online meeting due to Covid-19.)
- 11th ICSA International Conference (Hangzhou, China): Generalized interventional approach for causal mediation analysis with causally ordered multiple mediators (2019.12.20-22)
- 2019 China Statistical Society Member Conference and Statistical Academic Seminar. Organizer of Biostatistics Session (Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2019.12.14)
- 2019 Joint Member Conference and Academic Seminar. Multi-Causal Intermediary Analysis Session Host and Speaker (Taipei, Taiwan): A review of causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators (2019.09.26-28)
- The conference Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV 2019) (Kyoto, Japan): Generalized Interventional Approach for Causal Mediation Analysis with Causally Ordered Multiple Mediators; On identification of agonistic interaction: Hepatitis B and C interaction on hepatocellular carcinoma (2019.08.13-15).
- 2018 Statistics Week Taiwan Statistics for the Next Decade (Taipei, Taiwan): Visualization and identification of agonistic interaction through an exclusive transformation of sufficient component cause model (2018.11.06)
- Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2018 (Tokyo, Japan): Causal inference and mechanism investigation undertime-varying system (2018.09.12)
- 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2018) (Iasi, Romania) Visualization and identification of agonistic interaction – hepatitis B and C interaction on hepatocellular carcinoma. (2018.08.28).
- The 27th Southern District Statistical Seminar & 2018 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Conference and Academic Seminar & 2018 Chinese Data Mining Association Annual Conference and Academic Seminar (Tainan, Taiwan): Visualization and identification of agonistic interaction Hepatitis B and C interaction on hepatocellular carcinoma (2018.06.29)
- Keynote speech at the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Probability and Statistics (Taipei, Taiwan): Causal Inference and Mechanism Investigation under Time-Varying System (2018.06.01)
- 2018 Smart Technology and Applied Statistics Seminar and 2018 Applied Statistics Academic Seminar (Hsinchu, Taiwan). Biometrics (2018.05.19)
- 7th Chinese Traditional Mathematics and Culture Symposium (New Taipe, Taiwan): Models and Methodology of Quantitative Research on Numerology (2018.03.31)
- 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings, Invited Papers (Baltimore, ML): Parametric mediational g-formula approach to mediation analysis with time-varying exposures, mediators, and confounders (2017.07.31).
- 40th Anniversary of the Dutch Epidemiology Conference, WEON preconference (session: Innovations in Methodology for Big Data Research) (the Netherlands): Causal mediation analysis with time-varying mediators (2016.06).
- Epidemiology Congress of the Americas (Miami, FL, USA): Mediation analysis with survival outcome and time-varying exposures, mediators, and confounders: a case study of the Framingham Heart Study (2016.06).
- 3th Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Symposium (Boston, MA, USA): Parametric mediational g-formula approach to mediation analysis with time-varying exposures, mediators and confounders: an application to smoking, weight, and blood pressure (2015.06).
- Annual Conference of EPICOH-Medichem Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology (Taipei, Taiwan): Estimation of life expectancies and loss of life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disability of lower limbs: A follow-up study for 21 years (2010.04)
- 29th Occupational Hygiene Association of Taiwan Conference (Taipei, Taiwan): Increased mortality risk for workers with a compensated, permanent occupational disability of the upper or lower extremities: a 21-year follow-up study (2009.04)
- 9th Occupational Therapy Annual International Meeting (Taipei, Taiwan): Estimation of life expectancies and loss of life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disability of lower limbs: A follow-up study for 21 years (2009.04)
Invited Seminars and lectures (past and upcoming)
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University ,Center of Teaching and Learning Development, Motivational Teaching and Teacher Professional Learning Community: Application Information and Sharing Session. 2024.05.28
- Health Information and Epidemiology Laboratory (HIE Lab), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan. 2020.09.19
- Department of Statistics, Feng Chia University. 2020.10.16
- National Cheng Kung University Institute of Public Health. 2020.10.14
- Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School. 2020.04
- Taipei Medical University. 2019.11.13
- National Dong Hua University. 2019.11.08
- China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital. 2019.10
- Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University. 2019.05.16
- National University of Kaohsiung. 2019.05.15
- National Yang Ming University, Institute of Public Health. 2019.05.06
- Seminar in Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School. 12.20
- The Graduate Institute of Statistics and Information Science National Changhua University of Education. 2018.10.04
- Institute of Statistics, Tunghai University. 10.02
- Institute of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University. 09.27
- Lecture in Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University. 06.01 and 2018.06.08
- Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica。05
- Department of Mathematics, National Chung Hsing University. 2018.04
- Department of Mathematics, National Chung Cheng University, Department of Mathematics. 2018.04
- Seminar in Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University. 2018.04.10
- Seminar in Department of Statistics, National Cheng Chi University, 2018.04.09
- Hypothesis test for categorical data and non-parametric method. Lecture in Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University. 2018.03.30
- Seminar in Department of Statistics, Tam Kang University. 2018.03.15
- Seminar in Department of Epidemiology, UCLA, 2018.02.14
- Finding the invisible hand of God – Investigate the mechanism on data science. Lecture in Taichung First Senior High School. 2017.12.20
- Causal inference and mechanism investigation under time-varying system. Seminar in Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University. 2017.12.15
- The unification of confounding, mediation, and interaction through causal diagram and sufficient component cause model. Lecture in National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2017.12.05
- Causal mechanism investigation through mediation analysis for longitudinal data. Seminar in Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at National Health Research Institutes. 2017.11.08
Public Presentation (past and upcoming)
- Public Speech in New Taipei Municipal Mingder High School, “The distance between numerology and statistics”. 2019.11
- Seminar in Ministry of Education. 2019.03.25
- Lecture in the 4th Conference of the Development of International Olympiad. 2018.12
- Public Speech in Café Philo. 2018.01.24
- Public Speech in Café Philo. 2017.05