
Invited Conference Oral Presentations

  1. The 3rd Statistics Salary Seminar (National Cheng Kung University). The Distance Between Numerology And Statistics. (2024.03.23)
  2. Economics and Statistics Interdisciplinary Workshop. Causal Analysis – Speaker in the Field of Statistics (2022.08.30)
  3. The 31st Southern District Statistical Seminar and 2022 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar. Causal Inference Session speaker: From Linear Structural Equation Modeling to Generalized Multiple Mediation Formula (2022.07.28)
  4. 2021 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting (Speaker) (2022.01.18)
  5. 2021 Taiwanese Association of Statistical Methodology(keynote speaker): From linear structural equation modeling to generalized multiple mediation formula (2021.12.4)
  6. The 11th Chinese Traditional Art and Numerical Culture Symposium (New Taipei, Taiwan) (2022)
  7. IASC-ARS invited session (IS17: Innovation methodology development of causal mediation analysis for biomedical data) (2022.2.24)
  8. The 10th Chinese Traditional Art and Numerical Culture Symposium (New Taipei, Taiwan) (2021)
  9. The 30th Southern District Statistical Seminar and 2021 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar. Causal Inference Session Host (2021)
  10. Academia Sinica Human Resources and Social Security Center Historical Population Project Team Causal Mediation Workshop. (2020.12)
  11. 2020 Joint Public Health Conference (Taipei, Taiwan): Multiple intermediary analysis and decision-making analysis based on long-term follow-up data-Taking chronic obstructive pulmonary disease generation data and emphysema patients’ lung volume reduction surgery clinical trial data as examples. Special event organizer (2020.10.17)
  12. The 9th Chinese Traditional Art and Numerical Culture Symposium (New Taipei, Taiwan): Conflict, Reconciliation and Symbiosis between Numerology and Science–Finding a Solution from the “Religious Dialogue” (2020.09.26)
  13. The 29th Southern District Statistical Seminar and 2020 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar. Causal Inference Session Host and Speaker (Chiayi, Taiwan): Integrated multiple mediation analysis: A robustness-specificity trade-off for the causal structure (2020.08.20)
  14. 4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2020, Seoul, South Korea). 2020.07.20-22 (Online meeting due to Covid-19.)
  15. 11th ICSA International Conference (Hangzhou, China): Generalized interventional approach for causal mediation analysis with causally ordered multiple mediators (2019.12.20-22)
  16. 2019 China Statistical Society Member Conference and Statistical Academic Seminar. Organizer of Biostatistics Session (Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2019.12.14)
  17. 2019 Joint Member Conference and Academic Seminar. Multi-Causal Intermediary Analysis Session Host and Speaker (Taipei, Taiwan): A review of causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators (2019.09.26-28)
  18. The conference Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV 2019) (Kyoto, Japan): Generalized Interventional Approach for Causal Mediation Analysis with Causally Ordered Multiple Mediators; On identification of agonistic interaction: Hepatitis B and C interaction on hepatocellular carcinoma (2019.08.13-15).
  19. 2018 Statistics Week Taiwan Statistics for the Next Decade (Taipei, Taiwan): Visualization and identification of agonistic interaction through an exclusive transformation of sufficient component cause model (2018.11.06)
  20. Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2018 (Tokyo, Japan): Causal inference and mechanism investigation undertime-varying system (2018.09.12)
  21. 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2018) (Iasi, Romania) Visualization and identification of agonistic interaction – hepatitis B and C interaction on hepatocellular carcinoma. (2018.08.28).
  22. The 27th Southern District Statistical Seminar & 2018 Chinese Society of Probability Statistics Annual Conference and Academic Seminar & 2018 Chinese Data Mining Association Annual Conference and Academic Seminar (Tainan, Taiwan): Visualization and identification of agonistic interaction Hepatitis B and C interaction on hepatocellular carcinoma (2018.06.29)
  23. Keynote speech at the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Probability and Statistics (Taipei, Taiwan): Causal Inference and Mechanism Investigation under Time-Varying System (2018.06.01)
  24. 2018 Smart Technology and Applied Statistics Seminar and 2018 Applied Statistics Academic Seminar (Hsinchu, Taiwan). Biometrics (2018.05.19)
  25. 7th Chinese Traditional Mathematics and Culture Symposium (New Taipe, Taiwan): Models and Methodology of Quantitative Research on Numerology (2018.03.31)
  26. 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings, Invited Papers (Baltimore, ML): Parametric mediational g-formula approach to mediation analysis with time-varying exposures, mediators, and confounders (2017.07.31).
  27. 40th Anniversary of the Dutch Epidemiology Conference, WEON preconference (session: Innovations in Methodology for Big Data Research) (the Netherlands): Causal mediation analysis with time-varying mediators (2016.06).
  28. Epidemiology Congress of the Americas (Miami, FL, USA): Mediation analysis with survival outcome and time-varying exposures, mediators, and confounders: a case study of the Framingham Heart Study (2016.06).
  29. 3th Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Symposium (Boston, MA, USA): Parametric mediational g-formula approach to mediation analysis with time-varying exposures, mediators and confounders: an application to smoking, weight, and blood pressure (2015.06).
  30. Annual Conference of EPICOH-Medichem Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology (Taipei, Taiwan): Estimation of life expectancies and loss of life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disability of lower limbs: A follow-up study for 21 years (2010.04)
  31. 29th Occupational Hygiene Association of Taiwan Conference (Taipei, Taiwan): Increased mortality risk for workers with a compensated, permanent occupational disability of the upper or lower extremities: a 21-year follow-up study (2009.04)
  32. 9th Occupational Therapy Annual International Meeting (Taipei, Taiwan): Estimation of life expectancies and loss of life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disability of lower limbs: A follow-up study for 21 years (2009.04)


Invited Seminars and lectures (past and upcoming)

  1. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University ,Center of Teaching and Learning Development, Motivational Teaching and Teacher Professional Learning Community: Application Information and Sharing Session. 2024.05.28
  2. Health Information and Epidemiology Laboratory (HIE Lab), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan. 2020.09.19
  3. Department of Statistics, Feng Chia University. 2020.10.16
  4. National Cheng Kung University Institute of Public Health. 2020.10.14
  5. Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School. 2020.04
  6. Taipei Medical University. 2019.11.13
  7. National Dong Hua University. 2019.11.08
  8. China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital. 2019.10
  9. Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University. 2019.05.16
  10. National University of Kaohsiung. 2019.05.15
  11. National Yang Ming University, Institute of Public Health. 2019.05.06
  12. Seminar in Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School. 12.20
  13. The Graduate Institute of Statistics and Information Science National Changhua University of Education. 2018.10.04
  14. Institute of Statistics, Tunghai University. 10.02
  15. Institute of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University. 09.27
  16. Lecture in Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University. 06.01 and 2018.06.08
  17. Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica。05
  18. Department of Mathematics, National Chung Hsing University. 2018.04
  19. Department of Mathematics, National Chung Cheng University, Department of Mathematics. 2018.04
  20. Seminar in Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University. 2018.04.10
  21. Seminar in Department of Statistics, National Cheng Chi University, 2018.04.09
  22. Hypothesis test for categorical data and non-parametric method. Lecture in Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University. 2018.03.30
  23. Seminar in Department of Statistics, Tam Kang University. 2018.03.15
  24. Seminar in Department of Epidemiology, UCLA, 2018.02.14
  25. Finding the invisible hand of God – Investigate the mechanism on data science. Lecture in Taichung First Senior High School. 2017.12.20
  26. Causal inference and mechanism investigation under time-varying system. Seminar in Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University. 2017.12.15
  27. The unification of confounding, mediation, and interaction through causal diagram and sufficient component cause model. Lecture in National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. 2017.12.05
  28. Causal mechanism investigation through mediation analysis for longitudinal data. Seminar in Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at National Health Research Institutes. 2017.11.08


Public Presentation (past and upcoming)

  1. Public Speech in New Taipei Municipal Mingder High School, “The distance between numerology and statistics”. 2019.11
  2. Seminar in Ministry of Education. 2019.03.25
  3. Lecture in the 4th Conference of the Development of International Olympiad. 2018.12
  4. Public Speech in Café Philo. 2018.01.24
  5. Public Speech in Café Philo. 2017.05